Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Things I've learned...

...from my mother:
  • Both worry and love transcend distance.
  • Pasta sauce doesn't come out of a jar and mac'n'cheese doesn't come out of a box.

...from my father:
  • Always keep iced mugs in the freezer. You never know when your beer will need that extra chill.
  • "Drink beer, it's cheaper." These wise words were spoken to his 17 year old daughter as he dropped her off for her first year of college - rock on.

...from my sister:
  • Uncomfortable shoes are never worth it, no matter what they look like. This is exactly opposite of the lesson she intended.

...from my brother:
  • The importance of being exactly who you are.

...from Bruce Willis and Michael Ballack:
  • Blood can be HHHot!
Obviously, this list goes on. I've learned lessons, good and bad, from most of the people I've met. However, I was thinking lately about life lessons, and these things came to mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel like I failed you. Here is it one more time..... You can sacrifice comfort for fashion, but you should never sacrifice fashion for comfort. Let's try to let that sink in for a moment.......