Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wait for it...

I think I've said before, and I'm sure I'll say again, if Monday doesn't kick my ass, then Tuesday will surely suck. As such, there was trepidation yesterday when I was pretty sure my morning hadn't been rough enough to spare me from future ass-kicking. I was right.

Monday morning I was running late. I thought I'd be in the clear, but looked up at the clock and suddenly, I was late. So I sat down to e-mail some documents pertaining to a Monday morning meeting. I packed up my bag only to discover that the magic crackberry had neglected to turn himself off Sunday night, so the battery was drained - I am officially incommunicado. And late. Junk. I hop on the Metro, watching the clock. I make it out to VA, not in time to stop by my office first, but in time to make it to my client's office for our Monday AM meeting. I show up at his office, and he looks up in surprise to say, "you didn't get the message?" I'm just relieved to be off the Metro in some semblance of a timely manner, so I reassure him that I'm on my way in, it's no big deal, I'll see him in the afternoon, when he's rescheduled. I head over to my office with a detour for a bacon and egg sandwich and find myself thinking, this can't be it. My train ride was fairly smooth, and I would have been on time, so something still needs to go wrong. Wait for it.

The day goes as planned, meetings happen, plans for trivia night go down. Next thing I know it's time to leave the office, and by this time I've forgotten my morning worry that the Universe has not yet fulfilled my Monday dose. I pack up and head out - it'll be a late night, so no laptop, but don't forget that lunch Tupperware. I find my crackberry is charged and yet not turning on, which starts to bring the grumpy as Class Clown is not where I thought I was meeting him, and I have no way of contacting him now. I find him as I head over to meet up with J - not where I expected him, but he managed to fix the crackster, so I find myself still grumpy, but with no clear cause. We link up with J and head down to the Metro, where the full force of grumpy catches up with me as I realize that Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment, so had planned to work from home - that laptop would sure be useful for that! Oh, but I was mad at myself. And yes, I knew it was me I was mad at. It's a four block walk in the heat and a suit back to my office, and we're only just on time to get a table for trivia night, and I feel I can't leave J and Class Clown, as they've only met seconds ago. So I start debating the relative evil of a two hour back and forth in the morning for a couple of hours of work, and then decide that sending the "I'm an idiot" email (and I really did put that in the subject line, but I don't think that surprises you) to my client cohort and supervisor is justified. I want to spend Tuesday morning in my rainbow pants, dammit! I wasn't getting the appropriate amount of compassion from the guys - because who gets grumpy about working at home? - so I went for the quick phone call home for a little motherly sympathy. Um, hello, idiot, your phone batter is dead. It took a good while for me to get out of the funk, and it didn't happen before I told another co-worker to shut up for smiling at me. Thank goodness he just laughed at me.

By the end of the night I was feeling better, my cohort had promised to send the files I needed, and we had the best trivia night performance yet - take that secret nemesis team, we beat you! (Also, when they're score was announced to be less than ours, we cheered and people stared.) But I was exhausted by the turmoil of the day when I got home; good and bad, I was one tired girl.

I still live in fear of Mondays. And my doctor's appointment was canceled.

PS - I saw a shot of myself on the robot show - my ass looks huge. What's the saying? The camera adds twenty pounds?

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