Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meeting the neighbors...

Tonight I'm a little tipsy from wine and James Bond, but who wouldn't be affected by that combination??

Last night there was a tenants association meeting in my apartment building. My Very Attractive Neighbor was not there. I had been hopeful. I only see him occasionally, though we live on the same hall. I run into him sometimes as he walks his dog.

If I lived in a smaller building maybe I'd know more of my neighbors. There'd be a little old lady with a little nose and a big heart in everybody's business. One day she'd stop me and my Very Attractive Neighbor in the hall with "do you two dears know each other?" There'd be a gleam in her eye. And then we'd chat, and Very Attractive Neighbor would find me very charming. Kittay would learn to love his giant dog and we'd all live happily every after.

I need to move to a smaller building with a nosy little old lady...

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