Monday, June 30, 2008

not my best day...

I've had a busy couple of weeks, which precluded me from updating regularly - there were baseball and soccer games, dinners with aunts, parents, friends, and co-workers, family bbqs, work-related bbqs, an 80s concert that left me with stories to tell, and a day off from work spent wandering the zoo and city with a friend from Boston. It's been tiring, but oh so much fun!

Today, however, I'm just tired. I can't find my Metro pass, despite my new jacket I didn't feel cute today, work wasn't especially productive, a headache caught up with me as I got on the Metro, and by the time I got off the Metro it was raining and I had no umbrella. So rather than sit down and blog about all the fun I've had lately, I got into comfy pants, shed a few tears, and lost myself in a book for the evening. You'll have to wait for all the stories. In the meantime, however, I finally got a digital camera, and so I took the following picture of my comfort tonight:

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