Wednesday, June 11, 2008

nothing special.

I’ve mentally written a couple of posts in the past week, but never sat down and actually typed them in. This kind of defeats the purpose of the blog, and is a useless exercise, but there you go. Nothing very interesting, just some random thoughts I had about recent articles written about bloggers and their lives. It may turn into a post down the line - you might find you'd rather I'd sat down and written that instead of this - my week has been pretty quiet, which makes for boring reading.

I wasn’t on the computer much over the weekend, because my little machine gets quite warm as it chugs along, and it was too hot to hold a warm computer in my lap. And I had the a/c going, too, but even at top speed those machines could only get my apartment down to about 82 degrees – better than the 100+ it felt like outside, but too warm for me, anyway. It wasn’t a very exciting weekend, and the heat was a big reason for that. I managed to explore the new Harris Teeter in my neighborhood (yay!) and make it home in one sweaty piece, and did a lot of house cleaning. I was in post-housecleaning grossness and eating a salad when Jared and Claudia called to see if I wanted to go see Indiana Jones in an air-conditioned theater. The only problem with that plan is that it involved going outside to get to the air conditioning. But the kicker was that I had resorted to short-hair pigtails as I cleaned, with all of the bobby pins and elastics that were required. There wasn’t time to shower and bring my hair back into an outside, real-world sort of presentability – and I’m never very presentable in the first place. So I shamefully stayed home with the a/c and cold beer. Next time, guys! Christopher made me leave the house again for breakfast on Sunday morning. What. A. Jerk. By the time I made it home I was so hot and exhausted (yes, just from walking – it was 3 miles in the heat!). So the rest of my weekend was a whole lot of nothing. But the good news is that I got some housework done, found a better grocery store (& it’s closer, too), and created a wind tunnel of cool air in the apartment. So a good weekend all around, in a homebody, productive and restful sort of way.

And yes, I spent some time on the online boy hunt, but nothing truly blog-worthy yet. I shot an email to Mr. Eyes over the weekend, and heard back from him early this week – he’s been busy, will be busy with work, and out of town, and so on, but wants to keep me on the line, apparently. So fine, there are some other boys coming on deck, but I think I'll wait to write about any until we meet up.

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