Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Three strikes, but not out

I came home early from work today, because I felt like crap. I thought this morning that aside from the sore throat that I was just tired - my weekend was a blast but not exactly restful, and last night I literally ran all over the city (see below) - but as the day progressed my head got fuzzy and I could feel myself tuning out. So home I came. I napped, did a little work, and am currently curled up in bed with kittay and faffing about on the internet.

So my company does its own version of Amazing Race to race money for a local animal shelter, and teams go all over Arlington, VA and DC. My team involved myself, a guy from my pub trivia team who telecommutes from Michigan and is in town a couple times a month, my office mate, and a friend of hers from college. We were G-MEN: Globally-Motivated, Extremely Nerdy. The only downside to our team? I don't drive in the city, Daryl is obviously an out-of-towner, and Karen and her friend live in VA. Since the key to the race was getting places fast, we were at a disadvantage. But it was a lot of fun, we made a lot of people stare as we ran down Metro platforms and city blocks. Our biggest mistake? We went to the Russian embassy at one point instead of the bar called Russia House - that slowed us down. I think the first time one participates the thing is a little more stressful than fun, but it was interesting, and we learned strategies for next year... watch out!

It was a chilly, rainy night, though, and that didn't help me resist the germs I was exposed to during my visit with the Snot Bucket (I swear, Dumpster generates more snot than any kid I've ever seen!) - I think his mucus production rivals Clara's early spit-up issues! So Auntie is sick again, and trying to recover without getting hit too bad - I've got a busy couple of weeks at work! This is the third time I've visited that baby and gotten sick after, hence the post title, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to see him all the time! But, it's Claudia's birthday this weekend, and I need to be ready to dance Friday night! I am looking forward to it! And there are more pictures from the weekend (we took about 100!) but I don't feel up to dealing with photos and a fuzzy head, so they'll come soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He loves you enough to share! What a sweet little boy! If it makes you feel any better - he's not sick anymore. It just took 6 or so weeks to clear up!