Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A week away...

Sorry guys, but I've been out of town without time to think, much less blog - but there are a couple of things I jotted down that I want to consider and write up later. In the meantime, here's a quick recap:

Wednesday there was the big meeting banquet and I was sorely tempted to skip it. I'm glad I didn't, though - open bar, tasty food, and an exciting speaker! George Whitesides, who works for Virgin Galactic, spoke after dinner. I want to go to space! All I need now is $200K... the night ended with a lot of beer and pool. I am really bad at pool, which is so frustrating because I feel like I can see what should happen!

Thursday I had dinner with a former student who's now in grad school out in CO, a bad margarita but good tacos and dessert, and fun catching up. So all in all, a great night!

Friday was the end of the meeting, and midday found me heading to the airport, not to come home, but to head south to Albuquerque, and a drive to Los Alamos to visit my friend Sigrid and her family - she was my sanity in the early years of grad school, and is now working at the lab, living in an amazing house atop a gorgeous mesa with her husband and two beautiful daughters. It was a wonderful weekend, with much fun. I got to visit the lab on Monday and am only just getting home from this long trip tonight. I was exhausted getting off the plane, but now I'm watching the primary returns, and we all know that keeps me up later than is good for me. So there's more to tell, but my tired brain can't form many more sentences, especially in the growing Obama excitement tonight - hurrah!

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