Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Claudia!!

I'm just home from Claudia's birthday gathering. I feel great, I'm losing my voice, and I'm happy tired. Claudia found a fantastic South American tapas restaurant right in my neighborhood that does live music and great mojitos - we know I'll be going there often! It was great fun, even if not dancy dance music; mostly I was really excited to see everyone again. I don't see enough of the Maryland crew, if for no other reason than life is busy.

I was surrounded by astro- and physics people, but I was totally ok with the whole "I don't have a phd" thing, which was a first, usually there's a little tinge of what should have been. Instead tonight I just had fun. I got to tell people about the fun of my job and how cool it is. I did, though, meet a guy who had been up at Boston and worked at That Place That's Not BU with J-... when surrounded by people who know how I feel about the situation up there, it was funny to have someone sit across the table from me and tell me that J- didn't talk much about BU. I just told him that she didn't like me much. That's the quick run-down of the evening. I'm going to bed so that I can do zoo tomorrow. Happy 30th, Claudia!!


The Astronomer said...

I had fun too. Glad we all got to hang out! The only bummer of the evening was that the trip home. First the metro left as we raced down the stairs to the platform. Miraculously it was only a 15 minute wait for the next one (that's miraculous at 12:30 AM when it's often 30-40 minutes). Then we got to our car in the metro parking lot and we got a parking ticket. Apparently I have misunderstood the hours of when you have to pay for the meter for 8 years in that lot. I guess one $17.50 ticket for 8 years of parking on expired meters isn't so bad...

Astrowahoo said...

Oh, the dread parking ticket! I actually had the easiest commute that night, and the walk home was lovely!