Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just one day more.

I was home sick yesterday, and I had occasional thoughts of posting all the pictures from the weekend in Florida, catching up on one or both of Clara's or Dumpster's picture pages, doing laundry, or any number of other productive activities. I was in bed all day; I accomplished less than nothing. I did feel better by the end of the day, however, and I put in a full day at the office today, even managing a load of laundry when I got home. I still haven't unpacked the two suitcases (one from each trip) that are on the floor of my room. But now I've got some clean underwear and work pants, so the rest of the laundry can wait until this weekend. It's going to be a busy one - tomorrow is Claudia's birthday bash (yay!) and Saturday I'm volunteering at the zoo. Add laundry, going to the market, and Sunday brunch & promised pedicures with Christopher and I'm going to be a busy and happy girl! I promise to fit in some picture posting, though, and in the meantime...

This is me and that baby playing before bedtime - he's got the video camera from a plush "my first space shuttle" that I found in a toy store in Alexandria - it's got the camera and a tool pack that make fun noises, and two finger puppets, an astronaut of course, and a girl rocket scientist!! They all fit inside the space shuttle and he thinks it's great fun to take them out and put them back in!

The girl rocket scientist reminds me of an article I read on the flight down to FL which has me heated and ready to write a letter to the editor - it supposedly addressed the lack of women in research science. I'm going to use this blog to rough out my ideas for my letter, so you'll hear all about it, but for tonight, I'm tired. I've got an 8am meeting in the morning, and that's never a good way to start a Friday. So to bed, I've got to get my energy reserves up so that I can get my dance on tomorrow night!!

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