Friday, May 9, 2008

Auntie in for a visit!

I got in to Tampa this morning, picked up Mark's car at the airport and drove to Meredith's house, where a very happy dog-giant was waiting for me, and we proceeded to wait for Meredith that that Dumpster! They got there earlier than I was expecting, and little Dumps walked right across the room for a hug from his Auntie!! There was some shyness after that, but by the time we unpacked my suitcase (he likes to help) and finished lunch that was done, and we went off to the park, where Dumpster and his auntie went down the slides together!

It was good fun, and we've succeeded in getting that baby to bed well before his normal bedtime - visits with Auntie are very exciting! Now he's konked out and I'm pretty tired myself! Meredith and I are watching some tv and thinking we'll be in bed early. The capper on our day? A bowl of ice cream to share! It's so cute to see him shake his head yes/no to questions! Meredith says that his teachers at day care say he's actually quite chatty, but at home his big works are "mama" and "tooka-tooka." I'm still quite set on getting something "auntie"-like out of him! I've got a video, but haven't been able to post it... I'll try again later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Koda's not a dog-giant....he's just 90 lbs of love with a side of slobber!!!