Tuesday, August 12, 2008

being that asshole.

So a combination of thinking about my car free life and spending a couple days in the mid-west with a rental car made me remember something that I truly miss about having a car. I miss being that asshole. When the temperature is not too hot, the weather's not too humid, the windows are down, the sun is out, and that certain song comes on the radio. You crank the volume, and when the light changes, you hit the gas just a little harder than you need to. The car, the song, and the sun all combine in something that makes you smile, with an internal swagger, because you feel a little like Steve McQueen. Other drivers around you, assaulted by your music, frown and shake their heads, thinking to themselves, "that asshole." It doesn't matter, though, because you're cool.

I miss that moment. Sometimes, walking in the city, when I know I look cute, and my iPod is rocking out, I strut with a similar smile. But a strut is different than a swagger, it's more Pretty Woman than Steve McQueen, and there's something about summer driving that make you laugh when there's no joke. Maybe it's that, every once in a while, it's just plain fun to be that asshole.

PS - the great McQueen has been immortalized in song more than once, but my favorite is this one, by Julian Velard. Enjoy.

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