Saturday, January 14, 2012

Enter the new...

It seems I can't start a new year without change and drama.  Last year I uprooted and moved across country for a new job in a new town, with a new and quieter routine surrounded by friends old and new.  I burrowed into my new surroundings with a fervor, reveled in my new nest and neighborhood.  I loved it.  Then 2012 came, and decided a change was warranted.

I've lived in DC and Boston, where rents are high, and rent increases an annual occurrence.  I was not prepared for the bay area, however, where rents are higher, and rent increases only regulated in the amount of time required for notification.  I'll spare you the extended version and give you the punchline:  I'm moving two doors down from my lovely nest, into a one-bedroom apartment with smaller kitchen, balcony, and a linen closet the size of a tea towel.  Yes, there were tears.  I have no idea where my lovely craft closet will fit in the new place, nor any of the items currently in the outside storage closet, which is lacking in the new place.

To focus on the positive, I do love this neighborhood, where I can walk to my wee city's downtown restaurants and festivals.  I will still have a washer/dryer, which I consider a must.  I'll get direct sunlight in the mornings, so my plans for tomatoes and herbs will proceed apace this spring.  They painted the wall in the living room this week, so I still have my lush green, non-white decor.  I'll reward my storage creativity with a trip to the Container Store after the move - I may be losing the craft closet, but we all know I love a chance to organize and use the label maker.

Stay tuned, you know there will be stories of catastrophe and recovery to come.

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