Tuesday, September 15, 2009

wine rings in my study book.

So I am at least committed enough to the possibility of going back to grad school that I have a GRE study book. That's right. I have to take the damn GRE again. I can't think of the right idiom for a non-relgious person to use to fully express how glad I am that it's just the general test, but I haven't taken a standardized test in over nine years. I bought a study book. And have drawn up a study schedule. And have even almost fully complied with it. I have a points reward system.

Ironically, my job entails a lob of technical writing and not much in the computation department, so my diagnostic test shows a better verbal score than math. I pretty much wanted to scream. I want to do my best on the math section, so that's where I'm stressing, pushing for speed to make sure I get it all in, and making stupid mistakes.

My new officemate reminded me the other day that stupid is a judgement word. She's right. It's still exactly what I meant.

-- Posted via iPhone.

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