Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Old is relative.

I met up with a friend from grad school tonight after work. He has been married as long as I've known him - met his wife in college, got married right after, and spent grad school going home early from the bar while the third in our drinking trio and I went on to second bar to continue our debauchery.

No longer true, the divorce is under way, and my friend finds himself back on the market. So tonight we were in a decided meat market - the average age of females was perhaps 25, and most men had at least a decade on them. It was the typical scene - giggly girls nodding at men who weren't saying anything interesting but their clothes and tone spoke of money and security to the lucky girl who could catch them. The girls were young and pretty, so while I turned a jaded eye to my drink and thought of being home wih my novel, my friend's eyes lit up like a dieter brought to the buffet line. I guess it's all relative.

-- Posted via iPhone.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Gotta love the meat market... oh wait.