Saturday, February 14, 2009

the words in my head.

Today's been a rough day. After the week of the fastest sick ever, spending Wednesday at home sleeping, Thursday in meetings, and Friday driving around suburban Virginia in a trek to the biggest waste of time since, I'm gonna say, August, I celebrated the end of the week with dinner at the pub with Momola and a co-worker. We laughed about stupid people (see Early Morning Wake-up Call) and other folks who get on our nerves. It was a good way to end the week, but there was a lot of talking yesterday, and towards the end of the day my throat was a little scratchy.

Twelve hours later, when I woke up, my throat was still sore. Not a big deal, I made a pot of tea, and sat down with the computer and my DVR remote. My morning's are quiet, so it took a while for the blogs to make me laugh and the squawk of my throat to alert me to today's health development. I'd lost my voice. And not just kind of, in a 'let me clear my throat' kind of way. We're not even talking about the voice-loss that goes away at the end of the morning, leaving you thinking you just needed a warm-up. I haven't been able to talk all day. At all. Everything comes out as a whisper, and a sentence leaves me coughing - which is almost funny, because I'm not coughing otherwise.

It's occured to me today just how much I talk in a given day. Even on the weekend days I don't leave the house. I call Meredith and chat with the Dumpster, I call the folks to tell them random things, and I call to bug Christopher about getting together for Sunday brunch. Today it was me, the tv, and the computer - I couldn't even talk the that cat. Talk about stir crazy - if you can call it stir crazy when you're trapped inside your head.

Side note: I didn't do anything useful like catch up on e-mail, or sort through yesterday's mail. But I did join Twitter - that's right, I now tweet. Snarky one-liners all the day long. Sounds like fun, but if I can't talk tomorrow there's going to be some violence.

Oh yeah, and happy Valentine's day, or something. It didn't really occur to me that that's what today was, until my sick and sorry ass fixated on pudding and I wanted someone to run to the market for me. Yup, the only time I really regret the lack of a man in my life is when I want to pout and make someone else go by me some ice cream.

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