Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sick girls shouldn't run for the bus.

Well, I wasn't wrong, this is a truly crazy month, and it just occurred to me that it's almost half over - how did that happen? Work has been busy, the weekend was busy - although much fun, as well - and then this week found me germ infested.

First this weekend, because bottomless champagne brunch and flip-flops in February are so much nicer to ponder than coughing fits and runny noses. That's right, in a sudden burst of sunshine, I went to Indian brunch with Bill and Anna, where chicken curry and palak paneer were simmering, the bubbly flowed, and conversation - well, Bill and Anna are never boring! When Anna and I stumbled upon the topic of mani/pedis and decided to treat ourselves, the day became a holiday in my book. We left the salon wearing the world's most uncomfortable flip flops, but our toes looked great, and I peer-pressured her into my favorite weekend activity, wandering through a bookstore. Even a little bit of work I had to do that evening couldn't dull the shine of my Sunday.

Wednesday, however, I could've done without. I felt fine Monday, and stayed far away from the germy-worms at the office, having dinner with Momola and Daddo that night before heading home to a glass of orange juice and an early bedtime - see, I was good! Tuesday morning I started to feel a little stuffy in the nose area, and by the end of the day I was pretty much crawling. So much so that when Momola offered me a ride home (a.k.a., told me she was driving me home) I didn't have the energy to argue. In fact, the thought of getting on the metro that day made me want to cry. The problem? Wednesday was a big day of meetings at the office - important meetings that I'd helped to arrange and wanted to be part of. However, when showering and walking around in a one-bedroom apartment for half an hour makes you out of breath and in need of a nap, you probably aren't going to be much use outside in the big, wide world. So I waved the white flag, sent the requisite emails, and curled up in a miserable ball. That was pretty much my day. I found enough energy to make tea once, and microwave some soup, and drink OJ. And I slept. A lot. I was glad to wake up this morning feeling much better, and nowhere near as exhausted. I even managed to get ready without feeling the need for a nap. I left the house ready for day two of the meetings I'd missed out on yesterday, and as I got to the top of the hill I saw my bus at the stop - a block away. So I hoofed it. And I made it. But as I sat down and suppressed the coughing spell that threatened to scare my fellow bus riders I realized that I could have waited for the next bus.

Although, maybe if I'd coughed all over the crotch of the man standing in front of me he'd have backed the hell up. I'd say that's a disadvantage of the bus, but on the train, where seats are perpendicular to the side of the car, guys lean their hips on the side of the seat, and you end up with crotch contact at your shoulder - contact.

At least on the bus you can hold your book at a poking height.

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