Thursday, January 29, 2009

asleep on the couch.

That's a pretty accurate description of me this week. It's been a series of meetings at work, so no time to organize my notes from last week's meeting in California, and no time to follow up on conversations from last week, either. So each night I've come home just looking to unwind, and perhaps cranking the computer back up later to send out some of those emails on my list. Instead, as Keith Obermann railed against Blago and examined the passing of the new stimulus bill, I would start with the long blinks and pass into the land of nod. Waking up with a crick in my neck, I'd hobble off to bed and find myself reading far into the night - evening naps aren't usually a good idea for the sleep schedule. So the week has been a wash, for the most part, and I'll be glad when it's over. I need to do a thorough house-cleaning, a grocery run, and oh yeah, take down my Christmas tree. So here's hoping that I find a hidden energy reserve this weekend. Or at least find the ability to put the smack-down on myself.

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