Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Thursday night found Momola, Meredith, and me in a discussion of Halloween costume glory. Little Dumpster was Buzz Lightyear, and having a great time with it, too. I was surprised to see him wearing the hood last night, though. Earlier in the week, when his parents took him to Disney for Halloween, he was not having any of it, and I kind of like that picture better:

Ha Ha! He's doing his very best to rip that bad boy off his head! Momola was feeling the Grandma-Guilt for not making his costume this year, and Meredith's feeling the Mom-Guilt for not making his costume, as Momola did so well when we were little. There was the princess that became a dress-up staple for a long time afterwards, the Hershey's Kiss, and I remember an M&M... Ironically, years later, without access to a fabric store in the city, I would go to Target, buy a Barbie princess costume, and rip it to shreds in order to make myself into a cosmopolitan - complete with a lime-wedge hat. I couldn't find a picture of that one, but both Momola and Meredith like the irony of going from princess to destruction of princess hopes for another little girl in pursuit of alcoholic fantasies. I say, No Comment. I couldn't find a picture of that fabulously fun costume. What I did find was the year I remembered being a princess, and more importantly, how Momola made me a crown with cardboard and aluminum foil. I emulated her creative genius to fashion a giant pair of tweezers and became a life-size Operation game. I picked up a doctor that year - or at least, a man dressed up as a doctor... in all honestly, he was a lame duck, all long phone conversation and no initiative. I hung up.

This year? I waited without really thinking about going out or fashioning a costume. I made last-minute plans to steals a friend's old costume idea (I'll refrain from mentioning it here, because in future years, I may still steal it). All my laziness paid off, however, when I got sick and spent Halloween in my comfy pants watching tv. It wasn't too shabby. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween. Me? I guess I'll start thinking about costume's for next year.

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