Monday, October 13, 2008

The boys have let me down.

I'm sitting here in my comfy pants, code running on the work machine, and dinner cooked and eaten. If only the Red Sox weren't losing my night would be pretty good. Wakefield, when you're on, no one can touch you. I just need you to be on tomorrow night.

The parentals brought by my Christmas present today - a lovely secretary desk that's been in the family... as long as I can remember. I'm sure Lady will remind me now. They took it to a magic repair guy and he fixed it right up. Now it's sitting in my living room and I'm organizing into it. Let's not lie, I'm a very happy girl when I get the chance to organize. And that cat? She's figuring out how to get on top of it. The cabinet on top makes that a tough one, but I have faith that she'll figure it out. Ok, back to work...

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