Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A spectator for the destruction.

Today was the first day in a two-day construction project in my house.  They came to poke holes in my walls, through which they could tighten springs attached to metal rods in there, and that this metal rod/spring combo will increase the resilience of the building in case of an earthquake.  So this project is something to welcome.  Except for the hassle.

Thank goodness I don't have any furniture in the front room yet!  I spent the weekend emptying out what had become a catch-all storage closet, moving living room furniture, and convincing that cat that we were moving again.  She was not impressed.  This morning, having transferred all her needs to my bathroom, I shut the door to my bedroom, relieved that at least she could have the run of some familiar territory.  Imagine my surprise when one of the guys on the crew started to open the door to my room - after a quick shout, he explained that they'd mislabeled the floor plan, and that they needed to get in there after all.  I shut the fur in my bathroom, and opened the door to my closet for them - my closet where all my clothes were and nothing had been moved.  A scurried half hour spent shuttling clothes out of the closet, and we were back on track.  I sat down at the dining room table to work, and a little later and turned around to see this:

They weren't kidding about those six-inch holes...

We're going to be able to match that green, right?
Up close - wowsers...

They did patch up all the holes - painting commences tomorrow morning.  And the crew chief had to visit the local hardware store for another can of that paint - good thing I still had the name buried in my email.

Seriously, though, they moved fast, and there's only one layer of plastic on the floor tonight.  The biggest problem today (other than the closet), was that while I was moving clothes, they wrapped the kitchen in plastic and pulled the washer/dryer out to block the fridge.  I hadn't gotten breakfast before they came, and other than snatching my cheddar bunnies out of a cupboard when they went on their coffee break, and snagging a spoonful of peanut butter between phone calls later in the day, I didn't have anything to eat until they left at the end of the day - you've never seen a girl race to the fridge faster than I did when the door closed!

I don't see why you don't keep your clothes here every day.

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