Friday, July 16, 2010

I (didn't) feel the Earth move.

This morning the ground shook. The nation's capital had an earthquake this morning, and I slept right through it. That cat didn't, though, it freaked her out. She went berserk, running around the apartment, racetrack style, yowling. To be fair, sometimes she does this because she thinks I need to take a circuit and check the perimeter - at least, she settles down after I get out of bed and walk around. But not last night, she was not a happy camper. After checking the clock and seeing the number 5 at the front, neither was I. I convinced her - or yelled at her - and she contented herself with curling up right next to me as I rolled over. And for the next four hours, sleeping or waking, she was right there. It was only after I got to work and saw the news that I put it all together.

Poor fur, her mama's so oblivious. And planning to spend all morning tomorrow rolling over.

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