Sunday, June 21, 2009

how do they do it?

How do people who routinely work 12 hour days manage it? I've put in quite a few of those lately, but I was thinking about time allocation the other night, and I realized that a 10 hour day, when added to commuting time, time to get ready in the morning and wind down at night, and I've not got 8 hours for sleep during the night - goodness help me if I want to accomplish any chores around the house. As a result, my sink is full of unwashed dishes and I have one hamper filled with clean laundry, one with dirty. Shoes are scattered everywhere - that cat has taken to curling up with them:

My fridge is stocked with snacks and frozen dinners rather than food to be cooked - when it's not empty, and that's if I don't either order in or go out.

So that's the answer to where I've been - working. Unfortunately, work doesn't make for interesting blog posts, And my wallet doesn't like all the eating out, especially since I've decided that with all this working I've earned a vacation that I can't really afford. I don't think I care, though. I deserve a break, of the sloth-like variety. I tend to be a go-getter, or at least a go-see-er on vacation, but I intend to go somewhere pretty and not see, instead I will just sit. Sit until I don't know what to do with all the time I've got between 8 hour sleeps, or more, and thoughts of getting up before the sun to watch the clock while I cuddle that cat, thinking about whether or not I'll catch the fast bus, or even the one bus, not the one ten minutes later... well, all those thoughts will be forgotten. It's going to be amazing. And maybe all that sitting will give me more interesting things to say.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hear that Raleigh is great this time of year. I suggest you vacate there. ;)