Wednesday, April 1, 2009

delinquint and distracted

I was chastized (by proxy) for not blogging more lately. The thing is, I've been working enough that nothing really story worthy has happened to me, with one exception, but it's not my story to tell. When not working I confess to being distracted by Facebook and Twitter, but 140 characters isn't astrowahoo, and I've got a few half-composed blog posts in my head. Many revolve around one topic, and I wasn't really ready to discuss it here, I wanted to work it out a bit on my own and in more controlled settings. I was pretty sure that life changing decisions granted you a two-year grace period before the next came along. But what the hell, let's lay it out there.

I'm thinking about going back to grad school. Not BU. Not astronomy. I'm about to start talking to a professor my client has lined up about getting a degree in applied mathematics. So now you can all tell me how crazy I am and I'll keep you posted on the famous J----- family decision matrix.

Also, I'll try to post more often.


The Astronomer said...

After Bridges class you'd consider going to school for math??

Astrowahoo said...

Hah hah! I should just write "RONG!" on my list of cons!