Wednesday, March 18, 2009

that's right, sports fans...

Last night while packing I went to run through my mental list of power cords to go in the plastic ziploc inside my suitcase. Rather than rewind the cord in my living room, I went to the computer bag of my new work laptop and grabbed the signature black rectangle that is the PC power cord, already wrapped up small - still in the plastic! - and put it in my travel bag. I've been up for over 16 hours now, six of which were spent on the plane next to weird sleeping man, one of which was spent jostling through the back streets of Palo Alto in a door-to-door van from the airport, and half of one was spent convincing the hotel restaraunt to give me a salad and a big glass of wine. I get back to my room, planning to wind down reading my favorite blogs, checking Facebook, etc. only to find that the new Dell power cord COMES IN TWO PIECES! The reading I did on the plane killed my battery, so now I'm stuck until I can get back from the all day meeting tomorrow evening and walk to the electronic store half a mile away - and I didn't pack walking shoes this trip. Forget the work I was going to try to do in the morning, because I can't log in from a machine with no juice. And I already checked - no spare power cords at the front desk.

In case you're wondering, it too soon to tease me about this.

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