Thursday, November 6, 2008

Things better left unsaid.

Recently, Christopher told me that in talking with a co-worker, the fact that I was a single girl in DC came up. The co-worker started asking about me and asked Christopher to introduce us. The response my lovely brother gave? "She doesn't like boys." Apparently then he heard the words coming out of his mouth, because he qualified it with, "I mean, she thinks boys are idiots." (OK, there is some truth there.) Not one to quit while he's behind, he elaborated with, "She's like Bones." For those of you not in the know, Bones is a character on tv - a forensic anthropologist who's scary smart, short on social skills, and meets cultural references with, "I don't understand." Since I'm not interacting on a daily basis with David Boreanaz, I don't see the upside of this comparison.

As a side note, Christopher did give said co-worker my email address, and the boy is cut from the "wow, you're so much smarter than I..." cloth. Makes me kind of wish Christopher had just stopped at, "she doesn't like boys."

This all happened in the same week a woman in my office saw my knitting in my bag - I'm knitting a little cap for Eric and Annie's baby boy in March - and I was told, "you knit and have a cat? That's so cute!" Seriously? Huh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Annie's having a boy!?!?

She's dead for not emailing me. :)