Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Picture Me

Picture me sitting on my balcony, with a rum drink on the table next to me, with my knitting bag on the floor beside me, and the not-so-quiet sound of a train passing by.  That's how I spend my time immediately after coming home on a stressful day.  I can do this, because even if the temperature gets into the 80s during the day, it's not humid here, so the balcony isn't too hot to enjoy.  On the flipside, if I want to sit on the balcony in the morning, socks and a wool sweater are involved, but since I've resumed my knitting career, both of those are going to be replenishing resources.

Why is this peaceful spot so clutch?  I thought this week would be downright quiet when I went to organize myself Monday morning.  Note to self, the Universe likes to laugh at people who think they have things under control.  Let's all try to keep that in mind for the future, shall we?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is the week over yet?

It's already tomorrow for most of the folks who will read this - I left the office after 9pm tonight.  I did sojourn out for dinner with an out-of-town colleague, but still.  I have to be back at the office by 8am for a conference call with the east coast.  So I've come into the house, bypassed the turning on of lights in the living room, and am sitting on the couch in the dark, making one last spin through email and internets before collapsing into sleep.  I'm already thinking about the special coffee I intend to stop for on the way to the office tomorrow...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pleased as punch!

It worked!  I enter this last day of the holiday weekend extremely satisfied.  I have been extremely busy, but the end results will keep me happy for a long time to come.  See what I mean?

Dear Ikea, I would like to amend all previous curses - you are not the most ridiculous do-it-yourself furniture in the world.  That honor goes to World Market.  I apologize for the slander, and will in future only curse you when you do not succeed in drilling holes of the proper length (I was absolutely correct in my curses that day). 

Note to self, apartment fire extinguishers are a must.
That's the only corner of the balcony that gets sun, and only for 3 hours in the morning during the summer months.
 Lest you think I'd only succeeded in creating a giant pile of cardboard in my living room, I spent time on my other weekend goal, as well:

You have no idea, do you?
It's a pair of socks!  Or it will be one day soon.  Do you see that?  (I hear Daddo saying, 'no, what is she talking about?')  And unless you really zoom in on the text above the chart, you won't see it.  It says "right chart" - or something like that.  Yes, indeed, not only am I knitting socks from the toe up for the first time (and that took some figuring out), I'm knitting socks toe up two at a time for the first time (again, a thinking job).  And it's worse than that, because not only am I knitting lace socks toe up two at a time, I'm knitting lace socks with a mirror pattern (different on left and right socks) toe up two at a time.  No simple stitch repetition lace for me, no sir.  I never was one for baby steps - or even a logical progression of complexity, apparently.  I'd curse myself and my own ambition, if I weren't so absolutely charmed with this:

Seriously, how wonderful is that?
I'm only five rows into the lace pattern, so it doesn't show up, yet, but it will.  The shade of purple convinced me by the time I'd finished (successfully) casting on the first toe that these babies were headed to my grandmother, who will wear purple every day till the end of time, just because she can.  So my plan to take a breather from all the baby knitting in order to make something for myself is a bust, but I'm tempted to wear flip-flops every day of the week here, anyway.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I know the cure...

I'm a little bit homesick lately.  Not for the humidity of DC - perish the thought!  But I miss having my folks and brothers so close.  On a long weekend I'd invite myself over to their house, make Bubba marinate some flank steak and open the good wine, and curl up in a giant chair and bask in their A/C.  Lady and I might venture out on a shopping excursion or disgust Bubba with some sort of glutinous t.v. marathon.  It was pretty wonderful.

With my friends out of town for the weekend, I find myself facing a three-day weekend on my lonesome.  And lonesome is an apt description.  I'm going through a little lonely spell, anyway, without friends who are free to join me for blues night, or grab a spontaneous drink.  So I've delved back into knitting, which I'd gotten back into last winter, but now I think I qualify as somewhat obsessed.  (Fortunate in timing, since the world is currently breeding.)  I haven't been to blues night lately, but I'm requiring my own attendance this week.

And this weekend?  The prescription is projects.  This morning I made a trip for outdoor furniture, and I'm about to pull the boxes in from the car for construction.  I'm creating a space that I'll actually use on the balcony, and since it stays light here past 8pm, odds are good that it will get used often.  Especially, since I intend to buy a neon orange grill.  Additionally, I'm teaching myself to knit socks from the toe up.  Two at a time.

If these two activities don't keep me content, I don't know what will.