Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Passport, check. Pants, who needs 'em?

Whenever my passport is required, be it for travel or work, I find myself repeating that line from Bridget Jones. Right before Mark Darcy returns to say he's been a prat, when Bridget's friends come to whisk her away to Paris because she's been such a sad sack. They divide up packing for her and Tom gives her just two responsibilities. "Right, passport, Bridget. Pants."

I booked my holiday Monday night, and had to find my passport to trust I still had it. I'll be out of the country for five days, three full days in Bermuda sitting on a beach, reading books and listening to the water. I'm not taking my computer. I am taking blackberry, but have promised to restrict its use to half an hour. But that's work. iPhone is going with me, so I can photo document, facebook, Twitter, and blog; keep up with the fun aspects of today's connectivity.

And why do I need pants for that?

-- Posted via iPhone.


Emily said...

Heh. We always repeat the same dialogue when marking off a check list to depart.

Have a great V-K and you'd better get your butt down here soon!

theShoveller said...

it wasn't tom that said that. it was the reporter chick, what's her name.

ps like your tits in that ... i meant to say, love the blog. nice work :)

Astrowahoo said...

And Em didn't catch the misquote? Shocking!